Lawrence Lewis
Responsibilities: Recommending candidates to the Council for:
- Election to the offices of President and President-Elect
- Appointment to the Investigations & Ethics and Disciplinary Committees and
- Appointment as administrative staff members of the Institute.
Lynden Maycock & Kathleen Riviere
- Deciding whether to investigate complaints of professional misconduct by a member
- Making a determination at the conclusion of an investigation to dismiss the case, to refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Committee or to issue a consent order in accordance with the regulations.
Wayne Aranha & Jacqueline Hunt
- Hearing and determining cases referred to the committee by the Investigations Committee
- Making a determination to either dismiss a complaint or to issue a disciplinary order
Shaneska Kemp & Antoin Bowe
- Providing for the training and education of professional accountants
- Promoting and increasing the knowledge, skill and proficiency of members and licensees in all things relating to the business or profession of accountants
- Planning and hosting of major events and the overall public relations of the Institute
Diveane Bowe
- Reviewing license applications
- Maintaining a current Register of Licensees
Dionne Comery & Dawn Patton
- Reviewing membership applications
- Maintaining a current Register of Members
- Ensuring that the BICA website contains current information pertaining to Members and Membership Services
- Promoting enthusiasm through member discounts from service providers and other benefits for members
Kara Culmer-Wilson
- Facilitating the interest of students to join the accounting profession and encouraging accounting students to become Student members
- Establishing Y.A.C.H.T. (Young Accountants, Committed, Honest and Trustworthy) accounting clubs at tertiary institutions
- Providing mentorship, training and leadership opportunities for Student members;
- Facilitating the awarding of scholarships and graduation awards to tertiary institutions.
Kateryann Thompson-Johnson & Edgar O. Moxey
Responsibilities: In accordance with the IFAC Constitution, IFAC member bodies are required to comply with the Statements of Membership Obligations (SMOs). The committee aims to ensure that the overall objectives of the Institute are met as it relates to fulfilling the requirements of the IFAC SMO Action Plan.
Kateryann Thompson-Johnson
- Enhancing the value, relevance, reliability, and reputation of the accounting profession in The Bahamas.
- Encouraging accountants to maintain global standards of transparency, integrity and expertise
- Maintaining the Institute’s relationship with our global accounting partners
Gowon N. G. Bowe
Responsibilities: To assist the Council in:
- Overseeing financial risk management strategies, policies and treasury matters
- Reviewing and approving major financial transactions
- Establishing appropriate operational, working capital and human resource policies and strategies to achieve the Institute’s objectives.
Clifford Johnson
Responsibilities: Ensuring that the high professional standards of the public accounting profession are maintained by members of the Institute who are licensed to engage in such practice. This may include:
- establishing and administering tests of competency and fitness as deemed appropriate
- retaining the services of a practice monitor
Pretino Albury & Felecia Boyle-Bazard
Responsibilities: Understanding the impact of new standards and pronouncements, legislation, taxation and regulations on SMPs (small and medium practices) and SMEs (small-and medium-sized enterprises) in order to effectively communicate same (including training or workshops where necessary) to those affected.
Taneisha Dean-Hall
- Guiding the membership in defining common practices for The Bahamas, as it relates to interpretation of financial reporting and attestation standards as well as regulations and guidelines promulgated in The Bahamas.
- Providing candid and objective feedback to policy makers and regulators with regard to laws and regulations
- Supporting the various working committees of BICA
Gwenique Musgrove
Promoting the objectives of the Institute throughout the entire archipelago of The Bahamas by enhancing awareness of BICA’s presence in Grand Bahama and other Family Islands where members of the Institute work and reside.